OPA (saveONenergy) Incentives Reduce Energy Audit Costs by 50%
The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) has introduced a new energy efficiency program in Ontario called “saveONenergy”. This program offers attractive grants to complete facility & building energy audits on industrial and commercial operations. This includes residential / office buildings, strip malls and other businesses including manufacturing plants.
The “Audit Funding Program” incentives are broken up into two portions:
- The “Electricity survey and analysis” which pays up to $25,000 for the completion of an energy audit to uncover & study energy efficient opportunities. This funding pays up to 50% of the cost of your energy audit and is based on the area of your facility. The grant pays $0.10 per square feet for the first 30,000 ft2 and $0.05 per additional square feet, up to a total of $25,000.
- The second audit incentive pays up to an additional $10,000 for a detailed analysis of capital Intensive modifications. This study would entail detailed field data combined with rigorous engineering analysis to provide in-depth financial analysis of the specific project (sufficient for major capital investment decisions).
This incentive provides an excellent opportunity for businesses, building owners and managers to reduce their operating costs through an energy audit completed at half the normal costs. For further information on this incentive, please refer to the link below from the OPA (Ontario Power Authority):
At EnSmart Solutions, we can provide you with energy auditing, engineering and project management support to help you reduce costs through higher operational & energy efficiencies. Please contact us at (416) 887 8371 or info@ensmartsolutions.com