How much / What is the cost of an energy audit?

The cost of a industrial or commercial building energy audit is mainly dependent on two factors:
  • The complexity of the facility under study
  • The scope or depth of the energy audit

If the facility under study is relatively simple such as a commercial or residential building than the audit can be in the range of $2,500 to $7,500. This range is dependent on the type of energy audit sought. A basic level 1 (or walk-through) auditĀ  is less detailed and requires significantly less effort compared to a level 3 audit (for more information about audit levels refer to EnSmart offers ASHRAE level 1 to 3 energy audits). Level 2 & 3 energy audits can include energy modelling, simulation, statistical and project financial analysis with significant amounts of reporting. Consequently, their cost is higher.

On the other hand, an industrial energy audit can be significantly more complex. Most industrial facilities have a large number of equipment and machinery and it can be impractical to perform detailed studies on all systems. They range in price from less than $10,000 to several tens of thousand of dollars. In these cases, it is wise to define the scope and depth of the study prior to pricing the job.

EnSmart Solutions can provide you with a “free quote to take the guess work out. Based on your preference and circumstances we can:

  • discuss your needs over the phone
  • obtain information through email
  • or ideally, visit your site

If you are interested in a free quote for an energy audit, please contact us at (416) 887-8371 or email us at:

| Thursday, April 14th, 2011 | Comments Off on How much / What is the cost of an energy audit?

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