Reduce Energy Consumption By Conducting Your Own Energy Audit

Apply the Most Important Rule in Saving Energy & Achieving Higher Energy Efficiency

Conduct your own energy audit by applying some of the simplest and most intuitive principles for increasing energy efficiency. at times we come across cases where a client is interested in upgrading equipment to increase energy efficiency. Some even consider new renewable technologies as means of reducing costs and generating profits. These are great alternatives and can have attractive returns on investment, however they will never beat the return on investment from one category of energy efficiency measures.

The fact of the matter is that the single most effective alternative for achieving higher energy efficiency is to “Reduce” energy consumption. That’s right, the first of the three waste reduction techniques (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle) apply to energy consumption as well.

There are nearly no efficiency measures that can beat the return on investment from a consumption reduction measure. By applying this principle you can conduct your own simple energy audit to achieve energy savings. So your first step in achieving energy savings should be to reduce energy consumption by understanding where you use energy and resources (such as water). Start by categorizing your resource / energy consuming equipment and devices. Your energy audit should then examine each corresponding process to determine if demand on the process can be decreased through a change in :

  1. Operating hours
  2. Temperatures
  3. Pressures
  4. Lighting levels
  5. Speeds
  6. Flow rates, etc.

Your energy audit results should then be used to reduce energy consumption (based on the above findings) resulting in guaranteed energy savings. Once you have reduced consumption, you should consider upgrades and newer technologies. If more detailed information and analysis on savings is required than contact us for a more comprehensive energy audit. As professionals, we are experienced in spotting the opportunities and finding more measures to reduce your energy consumption and maximize your savings. We’ll help you prioritize opportunities based on financial and technical analysis to increase your return on your investment and if desired support you with obtaining financial incentives implementation and project management.

Take advantage of the current financial incentives and grants which pay up to up to 50% of the cost of an energy audit and reduce the cost of implementing retrofits. For more information contact us at, (416) 887-8371 or online using our contact form.

| Friday, June 8th, 2012 | Comments Off on Reduce Energy Consumption By Conducting Your Own Energy Audit

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